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Defer Updates on a Model
Tip# 4481 By David Gaskill On 08-Jun-2015
Rated By 0 users
Categories : 3D Editing
Software type : Inventor
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Wait until all the constrants are added before updating an Autodesk Inventor model.

While working on a large assembly where you have to add several constraints, have you ever wanted to have the assembly wait until all your constraints are added before updating the Autodesk Inventor model? Updating after every constraint is added can be time consuming. This tip will show you where to go to defer the updates until after you have added several constraints.

  • Open Appication options and go to the Assembly tab. Select “Defer update”.

  • Add the constraints to your assembly, and notice that the parts don’t jump into place. You will need to select “Local Update” to have the parts jump into place per your constraints. This works real well when applying several constraints to a model. When you are done you can uncheck “Defer updates” of leave it as it, this is my preferred work flow.



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