"Set up a multileader style with the following settings: 1) "In the Leader Structure tab, first change the Set landing distance to zero, then uncheck the Automatically Include Landing check box. (You cannot set the landing distance if the Automatically Include Landing check box is unchecked). 2) "In the Content tab, make sure the Frame text option is checked. Then set the Landing gap to 0.01. "Set this multileader style current and draw a multileader and type in a few words. Select the multileader, click on the grip at the arrowhead end of the leader and then stretch it to and click on the grip at the opposite end of the leader. (You may need to zoom into the text so you don’t pick the wrong grip). You have just set the leader length to zero and you are left with an expandable outline that will conform to the shape of your text! "You may need to tweak the Landing gap number depending on your other settings. If you don’t have the proper Landing gap set, you may see a small dot that may show up when plotting. The small dot is the leader. The number should be set so the end of the leader is on top of the outline around the text. By doing this the leader is not visible." NOTES FROM CADALYST TIP PATROL: Once you get one of these set up you can copy it and use it where you want to. You could also create a similar object using a dimension style. That might be a bit easier to use because you don’t have to worry about the leader. In the dimension style manager, create your style, turn on text framing and turn off all dimension lines, extension lines, arrows, etc. |