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Remove a Participant
Tip# 4547 By David Gaskill On 05-Oct-2015
Rated By 0 users
Categories : 3D Operations, 3D Editing
Software type : Inventor
Rename File To : No Files to download.
This tip will show you how to exclude a feature added at the assembly level from one or more parts in Autodesk Inventor.

Have you ever had an assembly where you added a feature and wanted to remove the extrusion from one of the participants? This tip will show you how to exclude a feature added at the assembly level from one or more parts in Autodesk Inventor.

  • Open an assembly that has a feature added to multiple parts in the assembly. In this case it’s a cut extrusion that goes thru both Part3’s.

  • Expand Extrusion 1 in the browser. Note that the extrusion cuts thru both Part3’s.

  • Right click on the part you want to remove the extrusion from, and select Remove Participant.

  • Note one of the Part3’s is removed from the browser and the Extrusion if removed from the Part3 that was selected.

  • Note: If you create an Extrusion the reverse can be done, you can add a participant.


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