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Follow the leaders
Tip# 1882 By David Vertz On 01-Jul-2003
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 435
Categories : Leaders
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip1882: LEADERS.ZIP
leaders.zip contains four leaders and a routine that sets options for them.

Tip #1882 [LEADERS.ZIP]
These four AutoLISP routines draw specialized leaders (figure 1). LDRSETUP.LSP is a routine designed to set the options for the leaders. It includes drawing scale, arrow size, and an option that forces the arrows to a continuous linetype. LEADER1.LSP is the simplest a straight leader with no text. After you place both arrows, LEADER4.LSP restores the crosshairs to their original angle. LEADER6.LSP is created with the
polyline as one object. LEADER7.LSP is for location maps.The arrow size is based on how far the second point is from the start of the arrow. Read theLEADERS.TXT file for specific instructions.



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