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Area Field Duplication
Tip# 2105 By Jeff White On 01-Apr-2006
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 289
Categories : Notes/Text
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip2105: Area Field.lsp
Duplicate the area field for another polyline.

Area Field Duplication (Tip #2105) comes from Jeff White. Start by creating a field linked to the area property of a polyline object in a drawing. Load the LISP code sent by Jeff and type AF at the Command line when you want to duplicate the area field for another polyline. Select the field object as a master (the command SM allows you select a new master), and then locate a different polyline that needs an area field. This function reduces the work when you need to have multiple areas in a drawing represented as field objects. A very nice and clean approach was used in the coding of this macro, making it not only useful, but a great example for learning more.



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