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Add a Vertex to a Balloon Leader
Tip# 4270 By David Gaskill On 17-Mar-2014
Rated By 0 users
Categories : Notes/Text
Software type : Inventor
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Add a jog or bend to the leader line on a balloon in an Inventor drawing.

When ballooning a 2D drawing in Autodesk Inventor, have you ever wanted to jog a leader line on a balloon (add a vertex)? In this tip, David Edward Gaskill shows you how to add many bends in the balloon leader line.

First, select the balloon you want to add a jog or bend (vertex) to.

Right-click and select Add Vertex/Leader.

Pick on the leader near the place that you want to add a vertex. You should see a green dot showing the new vertex.

Move the new created vertex to the desired location on your view.

Note: This Inventor tip has not been reviewed by a Cadalyst tip reviewer.


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