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Three Polyline Stationing Functions
Tip# 4052 By Raymond Rizkallah On 19-Jan-2013
Rated By 2 users Downloaded : 1055
Categories : Notes/Text, 2D Operations, Standard Blocks
Software type : AutoCAD 2013
Rename File To : StationingPolyline.LSP
These functions all operate on entities such as a polyline, line, arc, and spline.

This polyline stationing LISP file from Raymond Rizkallah contains three related functions for use in AutoCAD. They all operate on entities such as a polyline, line, arc, and spline. Load the LISP file and let’s look at the three functions, all of which prompt you to pick the entity and choose a text height. The ST1 function places multiple blocks along the entity at the specified interval distance, similar to how the Measure command works. The function ST2 places a single block on the entity at a distance you specify from the start point. The last function, ST3, places a single block on the entity at a point specified by you. The block used by these functions is defined in the LISP routine and includes the distance specified and the direction of the entity.


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Comment by Rizkallah,Raymond
Posted on 2013-01-29 05:54:38
;;; Three functions are avilable : ;;; "C:ST1" : Gives Equidistant Stationing on Polyline. ;;; "C:ST2" : Stationing at Given Distance on Polyline. ;;; "C:ST3" : Stationing by Picking Points on Polyline.