Kevin E. Vaughn sent another AutoCAD tip for getting your linetypes to scale the way you want them in model space and paper space. “To get your viewport linetype scale (LTscale) to match visually in model space, set MSLTscale to 0. Use REA to refresh all after changes.” Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer Brian Benton: The MSLTscale system variable has two settings: 0 for off and 1 for on. When off (set to 0) linetypes displayed in model space will not be scaled by the annotation scale. When set to 1, linetypes displayed in model space will be scaled by the annotation scale. DWG files saved to 2007 or earlier will change this setting to 0 because those versions of AutoCAD do not support annotated scaling. Which is best? It just depends on how you want to see your lines. Your object data is not altered; it is purely a visual display preference. |