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Toggle Model and Paper Space
Tip# 3729 By Douglas Merkley On 14-Sep-2011
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 302
Categories : Model Space, Paper Space
Software type : AutoCAD 2012
Rename File To : 0.lsp
Switch from model space to paper space, and vice versa.

Doug Merkley's routine is simple in nature, but it could save you a lot of thinking — and clicks. This routine switches you from model space to paper space (or vice versa) in AutoCAD. You don't have to think about which way to go, or worry about where to click. If you are in a layout and you switch to model space, a subsequent call of this routine takes you back to the same layout. Simply load the LISP file, type in the number 0, and press Enter.


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User comments
Comment by Antonov,Nikolay
Posted on 2011-09-20 03:37:52
It works to switch between Model and Layout1 Tab and vise versa. If one have more Layout Tabs,I prefer to use Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown to Togle in order : Ctrl+PageDoun ->Model -> Layout1 -> Layout2... 3.4... .and then Ctrl+PageUp Layout2 -> Layout1 -> Model... Regards Nick