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Automatic Numbering
Tip# 2018 By Scott Restmeyer On 01-Mar-2005
Rated By 2 users Downloaded : 2683
Categories : Notes/Text
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip2018: autonumb.lsp
AUTONUMB.LSP is a very useful tool for maintaining drawings that contain labels. See the documentation included with the code files for more details.

Creating Order out of Call-Outs
The first tip came in from Scott Restmeyer. Automatic Numbering (Tip #2018) is a very useful tool for maintaining drawings that contain labels. If you have lots of call-outs in your drawings that consist of a standard prefix string followed by an incrementing number and a possible suffix string, then this utility is great. It quickly replaces the existing text with new text using the sorting option of your choice. Place the LSP and DCL files in a folder that AutoCAD can locate, then load the LSP file. Once loaded, type DDNUMB and a dialog box will appear. Follow the directions in the dialog box, fill in the blanks where you want, press the OK button and the results appear as in figures 1 and 2.

The ZIP file contains a document (and PDF) detailing how the program works, along with the LISP source code, a dialog box, an icon to use in a menu and instructions of how to build the utility into your current menu system. That's quite a bit more than you will normally find! Thanks, Scott, for a nice function set.



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