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Dynamic Layer Isolate
Tip# 3627 By Lee McDonnell On 23-Apr-2011
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 906
Categories : Layer Tools, Layer States
Software type : AutoCAD 2012
Rename File To : Upgraded LayIso (Multiple Selection) V1.1.lsp
This routine works like the LayIso command, but offers preview mode.

If you frequently isolate layers, you are going to like this LISP routine from Lee McDonnell. It works just like AutoCAD's built-in LayIso command, expect that as you hover over an entity, the layer is isolated in preview mode so that you can see the result before making your final choice. You can select multiple entities by drawing a window to isolate multiple layers. This routine uses the built-in LayIso command to finish the job, so its settings still apply and you can use the normal LayUniso command to restore your drawing.   


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User comments
Comment by Wallner,Mark
Posted on 2011-04-25 18:26:05
Lee, you Bad Actor!! Nice going! The folks at Autodesk will have a "D-oh!" moment over this one.
Comment by Anderson,Jim
Posted on 2011-04-26 04:35:43
Great idea, works fine with ACA 2011. Thanks for sharing.
Comment by Harris,Mike
Posted on 2011-04-26 09:18:08
Please forgive my ignorance, but how do I make this .lsp work. I am loading it into AutoCAD 2011, which I see someone else has done, but I can not get it to work. Do I need to create a new button to invoke the command, or does it work w/ the Layiso command? Thanks for your help.
Comment by Oliver,Carl
Posted on 2011-04-28 09:27:03
Mike-After you load the file (you can even drag & drop into an AutoCAD session), just type HL on the command line to start the routine. I was so impressed with this one that I also added it to my Startup Suite. Nice work Lee!