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Easily Freeze and Thaw Layers
Tip# 4364 By Raymond Rizkallah On 14-Sep-2014
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 618
Categories : Layer Properties, Layer Tools
Software type : AutoCAD 2015
Control layer visibility in an AutoCAD drawing with multiple xrefs.

Raymond Rizkillah's latest routine includes a set of macros to dynamically control layer visibility in an AutoCAD drawing with multiple xrefs, without involving the Layer Properties dialog box. After loading the LISP file, choose from the commands VPF for ViewPort Freeze, VPT for ViewPort Thaw, LAF for layer freeze, or LAT for layer thaw — then specify any partial layer name, e.g., "AXE", "DIM", etc. in your input. This method is very useful for setting layer visibility within viewports, and works well when you are using standard layer names. You could easily modify these to perform repetitive layer commands that involve the same layer names.


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