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Export Layer Names
Tip# 4522 By Michael Nelson On 17-Aug-2015
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 784
Categories : Layer Tools
Software type : AutoCAD 2016
Rename File To : LayerExport.lsp,layerlist.txt
Export a list of layers from the current drawing to a text file.

Michael submits this routine for anyone wishing to export a list of layers from the current drawing to a text file. He uses this to quickly export layers for later analysis and makes note that you could even have a script run this routine through hundreds of DWGs in a short time. Before you run the LISP file, you’ll need to make an edit to the code to modify the location and name of the output file. After you’ve done this, load the file, and run the command LayList. The file name specified in the LISP file will be populated with the list of layers from the current drawing. An example of the output file is also supplied.


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