Divide Ellipses — Kent Cooper — This AutoCAD routine will correctly divide an ellipse in just the right way to reflect the axonometric-projection equivalents of equally spaced locations around the circle that the ellipse is a projection of.
Format Dates in LISP Routines — Jeroen Berkers — This code is designed to be used inside other LISP routines, where it formats the current date with a user-defined delimiter, year format, and U.S. or international order.
Change the UCS Quickly — Harold Detlaff — Harold finds these User Coordinate System (UCS) shortcuts faster than other methods for changing the UCS.
Find Strings in Files — Raymond Rizkallah — This routine allows you to drive the Windows Command line tool FINDSTR, to search for AutoCAD files that contain a certain string.
Attach Multiple Xrefs — Leonid Nemirovsky — Although AutoCAD has included the ability to attach multiple xrefs for almost ten years now, there are still many users out there on older versions; this routine is for them. |