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Pipe Break Symbol
Tip# 2035 By Thomas Christman On 01-Jun-2005
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 1380
Categories : Curved Objects
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip2035: breaker.lsp
Draws a broken pipe symbol given the outer wall size of the pipe and the orientation

Pipe Break Symbol and Slot Drawing Utility
Another tool for creating symbols in a drawing comes from Thomas Christman. Pipe Break Symbol (Tip #2035) draws a broken pipe symbol given the outer wall size of the pipe and the orientation. Once drawn, you can attach or break the pipe graphics, allowing for the representation of an extended length in a drawing with other objects that are not as long. The file contains three drawings that you should place in a folder that AutoCAD will search, as well as a LSP module. Load the LSP module into AutoCAD and type BREAKER at the command line to activate. Select the size of the outer pipe wall, the center point for placement and the orientation to be represented for the blocks to be scaled and placed. This tip is a time saver when you have a lot of broken pipes to draw.



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