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Viewport Lock and Unlock
Tip# 2129 By Theodorus Winata On 01-Jul-2006
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 645
Categories : Viewports
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip2129: LV.lsp
Automatically lock or unlock all viewports.

Viewport Lock and Unlock (Tip #2129) from frequent contributor Theodorus Winata is used to lock up viewports quickly. When a viewport is not locked, it is not difficult to change the model view by accident. Theodorus's solution is to lock them all (or unlock them all) at once with this handy LISP function. Use this function by typing LV at the Command line after loading in the LISP code. This program is short due to the power of Visual LISP objects -- a great example for those learning to use these tools.



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