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CAD Clinic June 2005
Tip# CLINIC0605 By Mike Tuersley On 01-Jun-2005
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 300
Categories : VBA Code Modules
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : AssemblyInfo.vb, Hello_VB.cmbx, Hello_VB.prjx, NewClass.vb
Create two simple AutoCAD commands in Visual Basic

Welcome back! This month we're going to create two simple AutoCAD commands in Visual Basic .Net. If you have not already read last month's column discussing .NET editors, please do so before continuing with this article. With the commands that I will create here, you can use any editor -- including Windows' NotePad -- because no graphics are involved. I will use the free .NET editor SharpDevelop by SharpDevelop.

For this article, we will recreate the classic "Hello World" example and throw the text into AutoCAD's command line and into an MText object. The code is derived from the Autodesk sample available in the AutoCAD 2006 install, in the AutoCAD 2006 ObjectARX toolkit and from the Autodesk Web site.

To begin, open SharpDevelop and create a new combine -- a combine is equivalent to a new project in Microsoft Visual Basic. In the next dialog box, select a Class Library combine (figure 1).



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