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Adding of Architectural Units
Tip# 2026 By Jim Himes On 01-Apr-2005
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 217
Categories : Units
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip2026: add-text.lsp
Alternative method to interpret dimensional values created using the same rules as AutoCAD

Alternate Approach to Architectural Units
Jim Himes supplies the next example in Adding of Architectural Units (Tip #2026). Visual LISP programmers know that the architectural units style in AutoCAD can sometimes be difficult to work with consistently. Even though the AutoCAD subroutine DISTOF provides a way to interpret those dimensional values created using the same rules as AutoCAD, it is helpful to have alternatives at the ready. Jim supplies that alternative in his utility ADD-TEXT. Load the LSP code supplied and type Add-text at the Command prompt. You will then be asked to select an architectural text value (text or dimension) to serve as the first number. Subsequent selections are added to build a cumulative result. Not selecting an object to addition causes the program to ask for your selection of a text object for placement of the total text. Not only do you get another way to convert architectural units into something you can manipulate, but this utility comes in really handy when creating bill of materials lists.



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