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Export Layout to Model
Tip# 4568 By Jeanie Pederson On 14-Dec-2015
Rated By 1 users
Categories : Transmitting Files, Other
Software type : AutoCAD 2016
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Use the Export Layout to Model command to create DWG files from drawings with xrefs.

Often I need to create a useable DWG file for customers.  The problem is we use xrefs for our drawings, so a file save as doesn’t work because the source file is still linked and can’t be exploded.  However, by using the Export Layout to Model command, it just takes a few steps to create a useable DWG for my customer. 
  1. Open file that contains the xref.
  2. Pick file.
  3. Select Export Layout to Model.
  4. Save to desktop (this takes a bit of time to process).
  5. New window will open asking if you want to open the new drawing.
I don’t know when this feature came out, but it sure has helped a lot. A big improvement on what was once a time-consuming process using a finicky AutoLISP routine and often ending up basically redrawing the print.
Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer R.K. McSwain: This is more or less a repeat of Tip #3100, but Jeanie's tip here emphasizes that external references are bound to the main drawing during this process. This is an important feature of this process that should not be overlooked.


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Comment by robinson,robert
Posted on 2015-12-14 18:03:30
Question: Etransmit not better? or what's the difference