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E-mail a Selection Set
Tip# 3777 By Alan Thompson On 16-Nov-2011
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 157
Categories : Transmitting Files
Software type : AutoCAD 2012
Rename File To : eMail.gif,eMail.LSP
Easily e-mail a portion of your AutoCAD drawing.

Alan Thompson's latest routine allows you to quickly and easily e-mail a portion of your AutoCAD drawing. Start by loading the LISP file, then type in the command Email. You will be prompted to make a selection set; as soon as you finish, an e-mail window appears with an attached drawing that contains the objects you selected. The subject line contains the drawing name; all you have to do is fill in the recipient name(s) and press Send. It couldn't be much easier.

This routine only supports Microsoft Outlook as the e-mail client (my tests were done with Outlook 2007). It should also be noted that this routine supports object pre-selection. If you use tools like Qselect or Filter to select objects, you can run the Email command afterward and it will proceed without canceling your prior selection. A very nice routine — thanks, Alan.


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