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Shut It Down
Tip# 3676 By Tim Girard On 26-Jun-2011
Rated By 0 users
Categories : Toolbars
Software type : AutoCAD 2012
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Perform five steps at once at the end of your workday.

Tim Girard sends us an AutoCAD customization tip he uses to finish up his work each day.

"I always finish my drawings with Zoom Extents, Send All Hatching to Back, Purge All, Audit Drawing, and Save. I decided to wrap all five of these steps into a single button click and created this macro:


I added it to the quick-access toolbar, and was wowed by the results. It works great and has saved me numerous keystrokes! (I started using this in AutoCAD 2010, and it still works in 2012.)"

Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol:
This is a good macro to help clean up and close your files. It ensures that hatch patterns are moved back behind other linework (hopefully you aren't covering something up with a solid hatch), purges unused items, audits the file (checks for errors), and saves the file. Now you can close it and go home for the day.  


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User comments
Comment by Hofr,Matt
Posted on 2011-06-27 14:07:41
why not audit first then your purge will get rid of bad layers as well. Slap on a close command too so you really can go home right after you press the button. ^C^CZOOM;E;_hatchtoback; audit;y;-pu;a;*;n;-pu;r;*;n;qsave;close;
Comment by Krushert,Ted
Posted on 2011-06-29 13:27:05
Do forget to add a line for "un-isolate-objects". I believe it is now command a command with AutoCAD and all verticals. It was with ACA for quite some time but I believe Autodesk added it to all 2011 programs?