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Show and Hide Toolbars
Tip# 3680 By Leonid Nemirovsky On 16-Jul-2011
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 384
Categories : Programming Examples, Toolbars
Software type : AutoCAD 2012
Rename File To : DTB.lsp
Make toolbars disappear as soon as a command is chosen.

Frequent tipster Leonid Nemirovsky is back this month with a contribution that includes a tip and some LISP code. Len created a function to display one or more toolbars on the drawing screen in AutoCAD, but he added a twist: as soon as the user picks a command from the toolbar, the toolbar itself disappears. Obviously this tip is not for every user or every situation, but it is a good example and may help you come up with your own creative ways to show and hide toolbars. The LISP file supplied in this tip contains two parts: a function that will show a toolbar, and a single line that will hide a toolbar. Leonid adds this line as a prefix to the macro of every toolbar button. This causes the toolbar to hide prior to executing the command. There are more details included as comments in the LISP file.


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