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Tool Palettes in Three Steps
Tip# 3803 By Carol McKeough On 08-Jan-2012
Rated By 0 users
Categories : Tool Palettes
Software type : AutoCAD 2012
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Create new tool palettes from Design Center.

Tipster Carol McKeough demonstrates how easy it is to create a tool palette from Design Center in AutoCAD (and its verticals).

"First, in Design Center, navigate to the file that contains the blocks you want to show in your tool palette, and double-click. Next, double-click on the Blocks icon (it might take a few seconds for icons of the blocks to be displayed in the right-hand pane). Finally, right-click on a block in the right-hand pane, and select Create Tool Palette. Abracadabra! Enjoy your new tool palette."

Notes from Cadalyst Tip Reviewer Brian Benton:
Another trick is to open and activate an existing tool palette, then click, drag, and drop the block from Design Center into the proper tool palette. Press F2 to open Design Center and F3 to open Tool Palettes, then browse, click, drag, and drop! Design Center and tool palettes work well together.


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User comments
Comment by Fournier Jr CTS,George V
Posted on 2012-01-16 11:35:44
Also, in Design Center right click on a folder and click Create Tool Palette of blocks and it will create a new Palette of all the block files in the folder.