Timothy Spangler sent this nonassociative quick leader AutoLISP routine that he has used every day with AutoCAD 2004 to 2009. "The routine prompts you to select the text to which you want to attach the leader; this can be text, dtext, or mtext. In the case of mtext, the leader is attached to the selected line of text. The leader is created on the same layer as the selected text and is based from the current dimstyle. Once the text is selected, you are prompted for the end and bend points. Select the leader endpoint (the end of the arrowhead), then the cursor is locked in alignment to the end of the selected text. Select the bend point and the leader is created. This AutoLISP is written to only allow text that is horizontal or vertical."
NOTES FROM CADALYST TIP PATROL: This is useful LISP, especially because with mtext, it will allow you to "connect" your leader not only to the top line of text or the bottom line of text, but even to the second or third lines of text. Starting with Release 2008, a separate toolbar for leaders called Multileaders was included. |