Julie Conley requested a routine to insert any one of four template coversheets into new and existing drawings. If an existing drawing has a coversheet, the routine provides an option not to insert one. AutoCAD uses templates for new drawings, but they are cumbersome to add to existing drawings. The coversheets that Ms. Conley uses are for architectural drawings, but you can modify the solution for wider applicability.
This AutoLISP solution comprises COVERSHEET.LSP, COVERSHEET. DCL, and ACADDOC.LSP. To load any number of AutoLISP programs, simply add the (load) function to your ACAD.LSP file, if it exists. Later versions of AutoCAD, such as AutoCAD 2000 and 2002, can open many files simultaneously. In these cases, the ACAD.LSP file has a counterpart, called ACADDOC.LSP, for multiple documents.
Download the required files from www.cadalyst.com and save them in AutoCAD's Support directory. If you already have a file named ACADDOC.LSP in your Support directory, append the contents of the downloaded ACADDOC. LSP file to the end of the existing file: