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Elevation Corrector
Tip# 2062 By Paul Graf On 01-Oct-2005
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 435
Categories : Surfaces
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip2062: Chain.lsp
For maps and plan views, routine modifies contours to make them ready for use in elevation plans and other tasks.

Paul Graf supplied Elevation Corrector (Tip #2062). This simple routine solves a specific problem involving maps and plan views with contours. Load the LSP file and type AEL at the Command line. The program asks you to select a polyline or group of polyline objects that represent contour lines. When you are finished selecting the polylines, the routine asks for a text representing the elevation. The text is converted to a numeric value and used as the Z-coordinate in each of the polylines selected. The color of the polyline is changed to yellow so that you know which polylines were converted. The modified contours are now ready for use in elevation plans and other tasks. This tip is a very simple, yet effective, example of LISP in action -- a tip of the hat to Paul for his entry!



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