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Reset Text Sizes
Tip# 3342 By Andrew Maser On 01-Jan-2010
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 480
Categories : Styles, Standardize Data
Software type : AutoCAD 2010
Rename File To : FixTextHeight.dvb
Reset the fixed text height of multiple text styles.

Andy Maser submitted a tip to reset the fixed text height of multiple text styles. This tip has a few restrictions: In its current form, it only works with textstyles named "L80," "L100," "L120," etc., where the numeric portion of the name represents the "Leroy" text size. This tip also assumes that you are working at "1" scale. However, the code is easily modified to match your textstyle names and text sizes. This tip is written in VBA language. To load it, run the Vbaman command, then press the Load button and select the file. To run the macro, execute the Vbarun command and select the macro named "Module1.FixTxtHeight." When you run the macro, nothing will appear to happen; check your textstyles afterward to ensure that the proper sizes were assigned.


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