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Plotting When Plot Styles are Missing
Tip# 3230 By Kevin Mukbel On 05-Jul-2009
Rated By 2 users
Categories : Styles
Software type : AutoCAD 2010
Rename File To : No Files to download.
This tip is helpful when receiving files that don't have a plot style file.

Kevin ”the CADiator” Mukbel sent us a quick method he uses to better plot files he receives from outside sources that do not include a plot style file.

"Have you ever received a drawing file from a consultant and tried to plot it and you then found out that it is an STB file and you could not use any of your plot style pen (CTB) settings? Well, here is a way to convert it to a color-dependent plot style (CTB file) from a styled-based plot style (STB):

     "On the Command line, type Convertpstyles, click OK, and you are done."

NOTES FROM CADALYST TIP PATROL: AutoCAD plots in one of two methods, color dependent or named-style dependent. Color-dependent styles are plotted according to the layer and color of an object. For example, the color red has one pen setting while the color blue might have a different pen setting. A named plot style assigns pen weights to layers and to objects. According to Autodesk reference materials, Convertpstyles attaches the selected named plot style to the drawing. Layers are assigned a named plot style (from the converted plot style table) that has the same plot properties that their color-dependent plot style had. Drawing objects that had the same color-dependent plot style as their layer are assigned the named plot style BYLAYER. Drawing objects that had a color-dependent plot style that was different from their layer are assigned a named plot style that has the same properties that their color-dependent plot style had.


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User comments
Comment by Byrd,Amy Meredith
Posted on 2009-07-07 09:58:38
Thanks for explaining how the Convertpstyles command really works. I have used this command before to retreive my ctb files during the plot command. For some reason that has been unclear to me before, on occassion I have plotted and no ctb files would be available to choose from in the plot dialog window. I found the Convertpstyles command from an AutoCAD forum but never researched how it really works. This understanding will definitely come in handy as I often receive drawings from a source that doesn't sent along the assigned ctb file with it.
Comment by Anderson,Jim
Posted on 2010-10-05 04:09:32
If the STB file doesn't exist, how can its plot style settings be copied to a CTB file using Convertpstyles?