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Insert Doors by Automatically Breaking Walls
Tip# ALSPSOL0306 By Tony Hotchkiss On 01-Mar-2006
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 3151
Categories : Standard Blocks
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip ALSPSOL0306 DOORS.LSP and DOORS.DCL
Automate the insertion of door blocks into walls.

Mr. Thierry Georges of Charleroi, Belgium, wants to automate the process of inserting door blocks into walls with automatic breaking of the walls and with a selection of the orientation of the doors from a dialog box. Thierry currently uses door blocks with attributes that give the locations of points to break the wall entities. He wants to use a variety of entity types for the walls such as lines, polylines or multilines. As Thierry does not use the architectural version of AutoCAD, I have proposed a solution using AutoLISP.
The AutoLISP Solution is DOORS.LSP and DOORS.DCL, which allow the user to select the size (thickness and width) of the door and to select the orientation from eight choices. The door then is placed in the wall at a user-selected location, and the wall is trimmed (broken) to fit the door. The door thickness must match that of the wall, and the user can select the hinge side of the door location. The code repeats by prompting for another door until the user selects No.

Get the Code
Download the DOORS.LSP and DOORS.DCL files from our Get the Code area (prior to April 20, 2006, download here) and save them in AutoCAD's Support directory. Use the Appload facility by selecting Tools/Load Application and then select the DOORS.LSP program from where you stored it.



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Comment by Anonymous
Posted on 2010-04-08 19:20:52
DOORS - Error: quit / exit abort SYSTEM VARIABLES have been reset THIS IS AS FAR AS IT WOULD GO IN BOTH R2000 AND 2011