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Drawing Stamp Manager
Tip# 2033 By Jason Rangel On 01-May-2005
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 425
Categories : Standard Blocks, Blocks
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip2033: Sta.lsp
Automates the drawing stamp creation and editing process

Stamp Manager
The last tip of the month, Drawing Stamp Manager (Tip #2033), comes from Jason Rangel. As drawings are plotted and sent around for review, they are normally stamped with a title block indicating the status of the drawing in the project lifecycle. Jason automated the stamp creation and editing process for his company, and he shared his approach with us. This set of files is rather extensive, and they must be placed in a folder named C:STA for it to operate properly. The LSP and DCL file should be located in the AutoCAD search path, however, the slides and drawings must go in to C:STA. Load the LSP file and then select the stamp desired. You can modify the functions in the LSP file to use an alternative folder other than just C:STA. This example shows how you can use drawings and slides in dialog boxes as well as how to simplify your work when it comes to drawing management.



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