HELIX.LSP creates wire frame helical screw threads for 3D drawings.
Benny (no last name supplied) e-mailed a request to draw 3D screw threads in AutoCAD. HELIX.LSP creates a helical screw thread in the form of a surface model. The user supplies the thread pitch or the number of threads per inch, the outside diameter, the thread length, and the center point of the base of the thread. The user may also specify the resolution as low, medium, or high. Figure 1 shows two views of a typical thread produced by HELIX.LSP.
Get and load the code
Download HELIX.LSP from the Cadalyst Web site and save the file in the AutoCAD support directory. From the AutoCAD Tools menu, choose Load Applications or enter Appload at the AutoCAD Command prompt. In the Load Applications dialog box, select the HELIX.LSP file from the support directory.