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Restack Text Entities
Tip# 3682 By Raymond Rizkallah On 17-Jul-2011
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 265
Categories : Single-Line Text
Software type : AutoCAD 2012
Rename File To : PARAGRAPH.LSP
Tidy up paragraphs of scrambled text entities.

This routine is designed to rebuild a paragraph of text entities in AutoCAD that are scrambled, with different line spacing and insertion points that are not aligned. Tip author Raymond Rizkallah has provided a screenshot that demonstrates the result.

Start by loading the LISP file, type in the command PG1, and select multiple text objects. You can select with a window or a crossing window because the selection will be sorted by the y location of each text object when the new stack of text is built. Next, provide a line spacing factor and a new start point. The selected text is copied to the new start point, lined up, and stacked according to the spacing factor, while existing text properties are maintained. Raymond has also included another version (command name PG2) that strips leading spaces from selected text.   


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