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Copy Text Strings
Tip# 3663 By Robert Zipprich On 12-Jun-2011
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 536
Categories : Single-Line Text
Software type : AutoCAD 2012
Rename File To : STS2.LSP
Copy text from one string to multiple others.

STS2 is a routine by Robert L. Zipprich that allows you to copy one text string to multiple others in AutoCAD. Start by loading the LISP routine, then type in the command STS2. Select a text string that you want to copy, then select one or more existing text strings, and the original string will be copied to them. This routine only works with text entities, and could be improved by declaring local variables, but it does use EntMod to change the text strings — which means it works very quickly even on large selection sets of text.   


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