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Use Sheet Sets to Batch-Print to Different Paper Sizes
Tip# 4095 By Brian Benton On 25-Mar-2013
Rated By 1 users
Categories : Sheet Sets, File Management
Software type : AutoCAD 2013
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Use sheet set manager to help you print drawings in different sizes.

Cadalyst tip reviewer Brian Benton shares a trick to batch-print drawings to a different paper size using sheet sets.

"When you set up drawings, you typically have a paper size in mind. When you use large sheet drawings as your standard, you often are asked to print the drawings to a smaller size. That can be a real headache if you have multiple sheets. However, if you used sheet sets in your project, it really isn't an issue at all. Use the Publish option in the sheet set manager. Use the 'publish using page setup' override, then select the page setup you want to use. This will print your drawings according to that particular page setup.

"These page setups are found in the template (DWT) file that you assign to the sheet set. In that template, create a page setup that will print your drawings to a smaller paper size. I typically print to D size (24” x 36”) sheets. I am often asked to print them to an 11” x 17” size. This doesn't scale properly, so I create a page setup that prints extents to fit on the page that is set to 11” x 17”. This scales down the drawing to fit. The one caveat is that I don't put any objects outside of the drawing border, which I typically wouldn’t do anyway."


Readers can follow Cadalyst tip reviewer Brian Benton at twitter.com/bcbenton


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