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Expand or Collapse All Subsets in a Sheet Set
Tip# 3987 By Tawfik Shehata On 01-Oct-2012
Rated By 1 users
Categories : Sheet Sets
Software type : AutoCAD 2013
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Rather than double-clicking each subset, try this faster method to expand or collapse them all at once.

Tipster Tawfik Shehata shares a trick that lets users expand or collapse all of the subsets in an AutoCAD sheet set.

“This tip is for everyone who’s developed a repetitive strain injury from expanding and collapsing subsets and their nested sub-subsets (and sub-sub-subsets) one at a time in a sheet set containing tens of them. Instead of double-clicking each subset (or single-clicking the tiny [+]/[-]), or right-clicking and selecting Expand/Collapse, try the following:

  1. Click once on any sheet or subset in your sheet set.
  2. Right-click on the scroll bar, and you will find the option to Expand/Collapse All.
  3. If there is no scroll bar (because your sheet set is shorter than the palette), right-click below the last bottom sheet or subset instead.”

Notes from Cadalyst Tip Reviewer Brian Benton: This may seem like a small tip, but believe me, I have used it with much enthusiasm! When I make a sheet set, I fill it up with subsets. I organize the sheet set with subsets for different departments, different project submittal types, exhibits, concept drawings, and even base files. This tip has saved me a lot of time and effort already.


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