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File Dialog Box Setting
Tip# 3187 By Kevin Mukbel On 19-Apr-2009
Rated By 2 users
Categories : Settings
Software type : AutoCAD 2009
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Kevin Mukbel discusses the system variable in AutoCAD that allow users to work with dialog boxes when accessing files.

"Did you ever try to open an AutoCAD drawing file and all you could see is a command line asking you to input the drawing name? Annoying, right? If this ever happens, it could be because of a lisp routine that got interrupted and the FILEDIA system variable got turned off and changed its value to 0. All you need to do is, on the AutoCAD command line, type FILEDIA and make it 1. Then when you select open from the pulldown, you will get a pop up that allows you to browse your network drives."

Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol: This happens and when it does it's a big pain. If FILEDIA is set to 0 (zero) you cannot insert a block, or open, or save a file unless you type out the exact file path on the command line. This can be difficult, especially if you are on a network with nested folders, and sub folders. Change the FILEDIA setting to 1 (one) and that will enable dialog boxes that allow you to browse to the correct folder.


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User comments
Comment by Crane,Nick
Posted on 2009-04-21 03:03:49
If you a tilde "~" when asked for file path it forces AutoCad to open a dialogue box, from where you can navigate your network as normal. Even with filedia set to 0
Comment by Kuenning,Chris
Posted on 2009-05-12 18:36:08
Thanks for the reminder. In 2009 most commands use windows or panels so I didn't think of filedia when I attempted to "file save as" and I didn't get a dialoge box.