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Easily Customize the Status Bar
Tip# 4479 By Dean Petersen On 08-Jun-2015
Rated By 0 users
Categories : Coordinates, Settings
Software type : AutoCAD 2015
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Explore some of the new UI objects to find and restore your favorites, or maybe discover something new.

Here is another little tip that I find many people have not yet picked up on in the AutoCAD 2015 and 2016 interface. As many folks are loading the 2016 version at the moment, I thought this would be a good time to remind people about this capability.

Often in Civil3D, which is an AutoCAD vertical product, users like to see and use the coordinates of the current mouse position or any grips we happen to be snapping on. The AutoCAD default interface has this and several other options are turned off in the status bar at the bottom of the page. To put these back, just click the right most icon, which has 3 horizontal lines on it. From the flyout list you can then choose what you want included in the status bar, such as the coordinates. Of course, you can also remove any of the options you do not use as well to simplify your screen.

Personally for Civil3D, I like to turn on the Coordinates, Dynamic Input, and the Selection Cycling.

Happy customizing.

Notes from Cadalyst tip review R.K. McSwain: In an effort to slim down the status bar in recent versions, Autodesk has changes the text buttons to icons and changed what is visible by default. As this tip shows regarding the coondinates area, you just need to explore some of the new UI objects to find and restore your favorites, or maybe discover something new.


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