Senior Product Designer Paul Bailey sent us a tip on how to change the colors of your AutoSnap markers in AutoCAD.
"So, after all this time, you finally have that new CAD workstation running Windows 7, only to discover that when you fire up AutoCAD your AutoSnap marker is not visible in TileMode 1. Strangely enough, it is visible in TileMode 0. "The solution may be as simple as checking to see if the color setting for the AutoSnap marker is set to Black. If it is, simply set it to another color by navigating to Options>Drafting>Colors."
Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol: It never fails: Whenever Autodesk releases a new version of AutoCAD, something inside it has had its color changed. Or, as in the case presented above, a new operating system could force a color change. Regardless of what changed your color settings, it is fairly easy to adjust the display colors of AutoCAD. Paul is using AutoCAD 2007, but it is the same in more recent versions and in AutoCAD verticals like Civil 3D or AutoCAD Mechanical. Type Options on the Command line, go to either the Drafting tab or the Display tab, and click the Colors button. The options are the same. |