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Project a View of Your 3D Model
Tip# 4062 By Kent Elrod On 04-Feb-2013
Rated By 0 users
Categories : Sections
Software type : AutoCAD 2013
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Use the Viewbase command to automatically create a projection view of your 3D model in model space of your AutoCAD drawing.

Kent Elrod shares a trick you can try to get a different view using AutoCAD’s Viewbase and Viewproj commands.

“After you use the Viewbase command, Viewproj can give you an isometric view, but sometimes you want a view that’s slightly different from the isometric view provided. Simply use Viewproj again, pick the existing isometric view, and move your cursor around to find a view that might show the model in a clearer fashion. This will create an axonometric view rather than a true iso. You can erase the original isometric view and keep the new axonometric view, or keep them both.”

Notes from Cadalyst Tip Reviewer Brian Benton: Viewbase is a great command that automatically creates projection views of the 3D model in model space of your AutoCAD drawing. Viewproj starts everything off. From there you can continue to create orthogonal projection or iso views from your model. If you end the command, use the Viewproj command to create additional projection views from any of the existing views you already made.


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