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Mirrored Save
Tip# 2167 By Mohmed Shaikh On 01-Nov-2006
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 216
Categories : File Creation, Saving Files
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip2167: Mrsave.lsp
Creates an additional copy of the current drawing on disk for archiving purposes.

Mirrored Save (Tip #2167) from Mohmed Zuber Shaikh is a utility that creates an additional copy of the current drawing on disk for archiving purposes. Load the LISP code and type Mrsave to run the command. You are prompted for a filename in a dialog box. The filename is saved a second time with the name MIRROR concatenated to the filename. Substitute that data in the source code with a network drive or other location for your archive, and this utility can result in drawings being simultaneously saved in more than one place. If you have ever lost a hard drive full of drawings, the value of this utility is obvious. If not, try not to have nightmares worrying about it.



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