Bob Crooker shares a method for using AutoCAD ribbon panels as toolbars.
"I stumbled on this by accident: You can detach individual tool panels from the ribbon to keep them in view. Just click and hold on a panel, then drag it from its default location onto the drawing area. When you are done, hover the pointer over it and use the small icon in the upper right-hand corner to Return Panel to Ribbon. This is very helpful when using one set of tools repeatedly."
Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol: I love the ribbon. In fact, I prefer it to toolbars — gasp! I like it because it is always at the top on the screen, so there's no need to hunt for a toolbar that may not even be on. However, many users do not like the ribbon. Using the ribbon as a toolbar by implementing this tip may change your mind, or at least make the ribbon more tolerable for you. If you have some commands that you frequently use, put them in a custom panel, then drag it out of the ribbon. Now you have a custom toolbar, but are still using the ribbon. |