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Render 3D Models More Quickly
Tip# 3439 By Leonid Nemirovsky On 13-Jun-2010
Rated By 1 users
Categories : Render
Software type : AutoCAD 2011
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Render large or complex models in less time.

Frequent tipster Leonid Nemirovsky shares with us a method he uses to shorten rendering time in AutoCAD.

"In order to make a rendering of a 3D model go more smoothly — especially if a model is complicated or large — move your model as close as possible to the coordinates 0,0,0. This helps when creating a quick, realistic visual-style rendering or using the Render command, and is a must if you are using AccuRender by McNeel."

Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol:
I can't test this tip with AccuRender, but I did test it with AutoCAD's rendering tools. I created some simple models with materials, and it was difficult to see any difference in rendering time or quality. However, when I rendered a more complex model using this method, it made a noticeable difference. Remember, the less clutter you have in your model file, the less AutoCAD has to process; keep your file clean and neat when rendering.


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