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Purge, Audit, and Save Tool
Tip# 3046 By Michael Kolomiyets On 01-Dec-2008
Rated By 2 users Downloaded : 1310
Categories : Purge
Software type : AutoCAD 2008
Rename File To : pas.lsp
This advanced purge-audit-save utility is for cleaning up drawings before saving.

This advanced purge-audit-save utility is for cleaning up drawings before saving. To use, load the PAS.LSP file, then type PAS. The rest is automatic. First, the Purge command cleans up unreferenced objects. Next, it checks the tables to make sure no errors or bad links remain. Last, the drawing is saved using the current name. In some cases, this utility can reduce the size of an active drawing considerably. The reduction depends on the amount of extraneous stuff your drawing is carrying. Nicely programmed using Visual LISP, and excellent error trapping!


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Comment by ,
Posted on 2011-05-19 21:42:46
Be careful here - it deleted all my layouts except the one I was in!!! Using R2011.