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Four Ways to Clean Up Drawing Files
Tip# 4173 By Steve Roberts On 29-Jul-2013
Rated By 0 users
Categories : Purge
Software type : AutoCAD 2014
Rename File To : No Files to download.
These four commands will help keep your AutoCAD files clean and neat.

CAD detailer Steve Roberts shares some tips for keeping your AutoCAD files clean and neat.

"I like to clean up each and every AutoCAD drawing to reduce file size and make the files more healthy using these commands:

  • Audit: This command will examine the drawing file, find errors, and allow you to fix them.
  • Purge: This command will allow you to purge any unused styles, blocks, etc. Be certain that you — or your coworker — won’t need them later. When in doubt, don’t purge it out.
  • -Purge: This is the Command line–only version of the Purge command; it's used in customized LISP and scripts.
  • Overkill: This awesome and aptly named command looks for things like duplicated lines on top of lines and removes them.

I do this before sending the DWG to anyone, before creating the PDF file, and before my final save."

Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer Brian Benton: Managing your files is very important. Due to the drawing creation process, our files often have "data bloat": They get more information in them than they need. Template files often have more layers, blocks, tabs, etc. than what we eventually need. But they contain information that we might need, so we put them in there. If they aren’t there and we need them we get upset. If they are there and we don’t need them, then no big deal.


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User comments
Comment by Maeding,James
Posted on 2013-07-29 14:26:09
The biggest problem I have seen is people saving drawings from civil 3D or other verticals, down in version using SAVEAS. Autodesk knows this well, yet only provides the civil batch converter, which explodes the aec objects (if told to) in Civil 3D. Cleaning those items by hand is not practical, so I tell all companies to have at least one C3D network seat on subscription just for conversions and cleaning incoming files. Otherwise you must wblock from incoming drawings to clean ones by hand, which is way too slow for multiple files. Hope you have the money for the C3D seat....
Comment by Bernacchi,Lisa
Posted on 2014-04-22 08:10:33
I also recommend using -purge to clear regapps. We have found that an abundance of extras can really slow a drawing down.