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Constrain a Section Line in Inventor
Tip# 4341 By David Gaskill On 21-Jul-2014
Rated By 0 users
Categories : Properties
Software type : Inventor
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Here's how to add constraints to section lines that allow you to modify your part without affecting where you section line appears.

Have you ever created a section cut in Inventor, then changed the part or assembly section only to find out your section cut moved? This tip will show you how to add constraints to section lines that allow you to modify your part without affecting where you section line appears.

Right-click the section line you want to constrain, in this case section B. Select Edit.

Project geometry from the part of the assembly you are sectioning. Select the line right below the section line.

Add a dimension between the line you projected and the section line.

The section line will be constrained to the projected line, and wherever that line goes the section cut will go. This is not limited to dimensioning. You can also add a horizontal or vertical constraint to keep the line horizontal or vertical.

Note: This Inventor tip has not been reviewed by a Cadalyst tip reviewer.


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