Levi Connolly shares this time-saving AutoCAD tip.
I execute most of my AutoCAD commands from the keyboard. Even though there are buttons that do most of these macros, I get the job done with a few keystrokes and a slap on the space bar. A good drafter, in my opinion, will have one hand at the keyboard and one at the mouse for 90% of the time. Below are some macro routines I use regularly.
lv unlocks all viewports in a layout:
(defun c:lv()(command mview l on all )(PRINC))
ulv unlocks all viewports in a layout:
(defun c:ulv()(command mview l off all )(PRINC))
woo turns wipe out frames on:
(defun c:woo()(command wipeout f on)(PRINC))
wof turns wipeout frames off:
(defun c:wof()(command wipeout f off)(PRINC))
iff turns image frames off:
(defun c:iff()(command IMAGEFRAME 0 )(PRINC))
ifo turns image frames on:
(defun c:ifo()(command IMAGEFRAME 1 )(PRINC))
Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer R.K. McSwain: Levi likes to use keyboard shortcuts, as do a lot of people. If you are in this crowd, take a look at the AutoLISP shortcuts Levi includes with this tip. Even if you don’t need these particular commands, you’ll probably find some inspiration to shorten something that you do use frequently. A recent tip is similar to the locking/unlocking viewport commands here, except the other one lets you (or makes you, depending on your point of view) select the viewports.