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Find Drawings Containing Civil 3D Surfaces
Tip# 3999 By Mathew Kirkland On 20-Oct-2012
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 228
Categories : File Data, List, Programming Examples
Software type : AutoCAD Civil 3D
Rename File To : BFindSurf.lsp
When drawings containing a surface are found, they are displayed in an Excel report.

This routine from Mat Kirkland is designed to work with AutoCAD Civil 3D. It will iterate a user-specified directory full of drawings and open each drawing programmatically using ObjectDBX, searching model space for Civil 3D surfaces. If one or more drawings containing a surface are found, a report is created in Excel and displayed for the user; otherwise, a message is displayed at the Command line. Start by loading the LISP routine, then type in the command BFindSurf. A directory selection dialog will appear. Select the desired location and press OK. This is a great example of iterating multiple drawings using ObjectDBX, which for those who don’t know is many times faster than opening the drawings in the AutoCAD/Civil 3D editor itself. In my test, it opened and iterated five drawings in just a couple of seconds. Keep an eye out for some similar routines that work with other Civil 3D objects in the coming months.


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