Radu Damacus sent us this tip on settings used to convert objects to polylines.
PEDITACCEPT – system variable Used in conjunction with PEDIT (PE) command “0” - Default “1” - Suppresses display of the Object Selected Is Not a Polyline prompt: “Do you want it to turn into one?” When the prompt is suppressed, the selected object is automatically converted to a polyline. NOTES FROM CADALYST TIP PATROL: This is a great setting to keep turned on. When you go to edit an object and want to turn it into a polyline, you use the command PEDIT. AutoCAD prompts you with a question wanting to know if you really want to convert the selected objects into a polyline. Typically you hit the default YES because that is why you started the command. Turning this setting to “1” will save you a step. Good tip. Tested in AutoCAD 2009. |