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Polyline Edit Tools in VBA
Tip# 2193 By Stahimir Antoljak On 01-Mar-2007
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 1076
Categories : Polylines, 2D Operations, 2D Editing
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip 2193: plTools.dvb
VBA code contains public functions for inserting and removing vertex points in polylines.

Polyline Edit Tools in VBA (Tip #2193) by Stahimir Antoljak is a robust set of code that contains public functions for inserting and removing vertex points in polylines. Once loaded using the VBA program manager (VBAMAN), select the project and then the macros button to display the two public functions IV and RV. IV is used to insert a vertex and RV can be used to remove an individual vertex. This tip is wonderful for those looking to learn how VBA can be used in AutoCAD to manipulate complex objects such as polylines. The drawing object in the VBA project has a set of documentation as comments to explain how to use these functions in a production environment. Thanks Stahimir, great programming work, and as a result of your efforts you tip is the top tip of the month!



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