Tipster Frances Emerson sends us a trick to correct problematic revision clouds made by the RevCloud command in AutoCAD.
"The RevCloud command in later releases of AutoCAD has an annoying tendency to frequently make clouds that are inside out, without opening the dialog box to give you the option of reversing the direction. This usually happens with smaller clouds. Selecting the RevCloud > Object command afterward to change the revision clouds does turn them outward, but the result is usually undesirable. Other revision clouds with large and uneven arcs will convert to an odd pattern.
"Here is a tip that offers a satisfactory remedy for this situation. It works to correct revision clouds where the arcs are uneven, and brings uniformity to a drawing with several clouds using different-sized arcs, as well as correcting inside-out clouds. "Select a revision cloud you want to fix. Right-click and go to Polyline > Decurve. The revision cloud will change to a flattened polyline. Now use the RevCloud > Object command to recreate the revision cloud right-side-out using the current arc setting."
Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol: This is a clever method for fixing revision clouds. The Revision Cloud command can be a bit tricky; something that should be simple isn't always that way.
One thing that could be messing with your rev cloud is the arc distance setting. Start the command, then type A for arc length. You will be given a minimum length, then a maximum length. For whatever reason, it doesn't seem to follow these settings all the time, but it will help to set these to the size you want. The Revision Cloud command seems to create a better revision cloud when it converts an object; the arcs are more consistent. Many times I will draw a polyline around the revised objects, then use the Object option of the Revision Cloud command. It's an extra step, but it provides better results. |